Course curriculum

    1. Before we begin...

    2. Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Program!

    3. Recommended Texts for the Program

    4. Terms of Service

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to Mindfulness

    2. Lesson 2: What is Leadership?

    3. Connecting to your purpose, vision, and values

    1. Centering Practice: Five Minute Breathing Meditation

    2. Lesson 3: Adaptive Leadership

    1. Centering Practice: Body Scan Meditation

    2. Lesson 4: Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics: Open Systems Theory and BART

    3. Lesson 5: Irrationality in Systems/Defense Mechanisms

    4. Lesson 6: Irrationality in Systems/ Basic Assumptions

    1. Mid-point feedback

    1. Centering Practice: Mindful Self-Inquiry for Stress and Anxiety

    2. Lesson 7: Understanding and Diagnosing Organizational Culture

About this course

  • $1,800.00

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